Backgammon Etiquette
Always greet your opponent in some friendly manner. You can just say hi, shake hands, wish them luck, wish them a good match, tell them where you are from, or whatever ... but don’t just sit down and start rolling the dice.
When a match is over, always say goodbye. Or thanks for playing, or whatever you are comfortable with. You don’t have to say "good match" if you don’t believe it was, but if you are the loser, congratulations and best wishes in the rest of the tournament or on line is a reasonable goodbye.
When you double, place the cube gently in the center, and say double. If you take, put it on your side and say "take". If you drop, be sure to put the cube in it’s proper place and say "drop" or "pass" clearly.
Both parties should keep score, and you should announce the score or acknowledge your opponent’s announcement of the score, after each game. If it is a Crawford game, announce that at the start and take the cube off the board.
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